Insitu hydraulic conductivity tests for compacted calcareous sands using Sealed Double Ring Infiltrometers (SDRI)

  • Anwar Faisal Al-Yaqout Kuwait University
Keywords: Calcareous sands, compaction conditions, hydraulic conductivity, Sealed Double Ring Infiltrometers (SDRI).


This study uses the Sealed Double Ring Infiltrometers (SDRIs) to measure the infiltrationrates of compacted calcareous sands in the field. Laboratory tests were conducted on thelocally available soil samples to determine the geotechnical parameters that are neededto achieve the lowest hydraulic conductivity at the field. Test pads were constructedat controlled compaction conditions and in-situ hydraulic conductivity experimentswere conducted by Sealed Double Ring Infiltrometer (SDRI). Field measurementswere carried out by recording the SDRI readings periodically. Infiltration rates rangedbetween 1.89 x 10-12 m/s and 1.08 x 10-10 m/s.

The results of the study suggest that calacareous sandy soils have achieved lowpermeability values under controlled conditions of compaction and SDRIs can be usedfor prolonged periods of time to obtain the infiltration rates that represent the hydraulicconductivity characteristic of the saturated soil liners.

Author Biography

Anwar Faisal Al-Yaqout, Kuwait University
Associate Professor


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Civil Engineering