Dual Buffers Optical Based Packet Switch incorporating Arrayed Waveguide Gratings
Optical packet switching is an upcoming and promising technology which can be used in optical data centers and in next generation data transfer due to the enormous bandwidth of optical fiber and also have applications in next generation data centers. In OPS to resolve contention among packets fiber delay lines (FDLs) based buffering is preferred choice. In this paper, a dual buffer based optical packet switch design is proposed, where buffer sizes are chosen intelligently thus allows storage of large number of contending packets within limited buffer storage. Thus, using limited number of FDLs very low packet loss rate is possible. Through the simulation, it has been shown that at the load of ‘0.9’ a very low packet loss rate of the order of ‘10-10’ is possible. Best of our knowledge, this is the lowest packet loss rate using FDLs till date in any switch design.
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