Bioremediation for hazardous liquid industrial waste at evaporation pit, Wafra south of Kuwait.

  • Sharifah Sahmoud Alsowaidan Kuwait Municipality
Keywords: Bioremediation, chemicals, heavy metals, landfarming, oily sludge.


Bioremediation of oily sludge contamination was conducted at the Wafra/Mina Abdullah site (Kilo 14) in southern Kuwait. The waste contents originally showed high levels of trace metals and other toxic chemicals. High levels of organic parameters were indicated by analyses of COD, BOD, TOC, and TPH. Methods used in bioremediation included in-situ and ex-situ approaches such as: landfarming, bioventing, bioaugmentation, biosparging, and composting (biopiling). After one year of landfarming treatment, eight heavy metals showed overall reduction of 81%. Of the organic compounds monitored, COD, BOD, TPH, and TOC showed one-year reductions of 71.1%, 89.47%, 94.17%, and 95.36%, respectively. In summary, bioremediation was shown to be very cost effective method in this research, it is highly recommended to be implemented in heavy oily sludge area.

KEYWORDS: Bioremediation; chemicals; heavy metals; landfarming; oily sludge.

Author Biography

Sharifah Sahmoud Alsowaidan, Kuwait Municipality


Department of Environmnetal affairs.


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Petroleum Engineering