Productivity improvement in manufacturing submersible pump diffuser housing using lean manufacturing system

  • Manickam Murugan Principal, Rathinam Technical Campus,Coimbatore Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai, India.
  • Velappan Selladurai Principal, Coimabatore Institute of Technology,Coimbatore Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai, India.
Keywords: Lean Manufacturing System, Productivity, Diffuser Housing, Management of Manufacturing Systems, Cellular Systems and Performance Analysis.


In any organization goods and services are produced for the satisfaction of human needs.  Basic inputs of the production process are men, machines, material, plant, services and methods, and the outputs are goods and services.  All organizations are undergoing the process of production but only a few organizations are concentrating in productivity improvements. This will either reduce the cost involved in it as well as increase the profitability of the organization. In the present trend most of the organizations are reducing their prices to gain competitive advantage by reducing their quality inputs, but this practice will not hold good for long run, so in order to study on productivity improvements will raise the output with marginal or no increase in the input.  This can be achieved by optimizing the resources and not on compromising the quality inputs. The major purpose of this analysis is to systematically find out the ability of an employee or any other resources in performing this task.  Actual performance can be compared to pre-determined goals and standards for getting the results. Lean manufacturing is a manufacturing process that productively adds value to materials by capturing proprietary production processes in manufacturing cells supplied by sole-source vendors. Lean manufacturing addresses material, administration, and labor costs including the costs of storing and handling materials within the factory. Hence the main aim of this paper is to reduce lead-time, work in process inventory, free up floor space and to increase the production in the manufacturing of diffuser housing by implementing Lean Manufacturing System.

Author Biographies

Manickam Murugan, Principal, Rathinam Technical Campus,Coimbatore Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai, India.

Principal & Professor in Mechanical Engineering,

Rathinam Technical Campus,Coimbatore,

Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai,India.

Velappan Selladurai, Principal, Coimabatore Institute of Technology,Coimbatore Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai, India.

Principal & Professor in Mechanical Engineering,

Coimabatore Institute of Technology,Coimbatore,

Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai,India.


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Industrial Engineering