The use of computer games for teaching and learning cybersecurity in higher education institutions

  • Younis A. Younis Lecturer
  • Mohammed Yahya Alghamdi Lecturer
  • Mohammed Yahya Alghamdi Lecturer


Teaching student’s cybersecurity effectively, such as encryption-based security protocols, are challenges and difficult problems in all sectors of international higher education. Therefore, higher education institutions need to search for an attractive and appropriate way to train students and society in general so that they can protect themselves and also preserve the security of their country. Many students also lack the mathematical knowledge necessary to understand the cryptographic algorithms underlying the protocols.

This research will shed light on the teaching of cybersecurity through the use of playstyle, which is one of the possible methods that help students to learn better and more attractive. The objectives of this research paper are to

1) increase public interest in cybersecurity and help learners understand appropriate and safe behaviours online. 2) Provide a broad review of several game-based learning tools that have improved the understanding of cryptographic algorithms. Moreover, our proposed framework is presented in this paper, which utilises animation and gamification to provide an effective way to teach cryptography.  
