Study and analysis the effect of chemical composition of spring water of dhofar region against turbidity

Study and analysis the effect of chemical composition against turbidity

  • ahmmed saadi


The purpose of the present work was to calculate physical properties of eight springs of the water of Dhofar region in Oman using physic – chemical parameters like pH, total dissolved solids (TDS), conductivity, turbidity and dissolved oxygen (DO). Estimates chemical properties of concentrations of metals in springs of water and find the best healthy springs of water depends on the percentage difference between actual and normal range set by the World Health Organization (WHO). Close to eight samples for each test were collected from eight springs of water of local namely Ain Hamran, Ain Deribat, Ain Tobruk, Ain Al-Nabi Ayoub, Ain Atom, Ain Jarziz, Ain Sahlnot, and Ain Razat.Atomic absorption photometer was utilized for studying the samples. Ain Jarziz is represented high quality water due to the percentage difference between actual and WHO was 78.78% compared to Ain Al-Nabi Ayoub the difference percentage was 105.95 %. Quantity of dissolved solid particles has a big effect on TDS and conductivity compare to the turbidity. Identification system was used to find out that quality of chemical composition has a big effect on the turbidity. Ions of Chloride (Cl) have a big effect about 99.52% on turbidity and ions of Sulfate (So4) have lowest effect about 75.4% on turbidity.

Author Biography

ahmmed saadi
Chemical Engineering