CLIFD: A novel image forgery detection technique using digital signatures

  • Sahib Khan Department of Electronics and Telecommunications, Politecnico di Torino, Italy
Keywords: Forgery detection, digital signature, least significant bits (LSB) substitution, message digest 5 (MD5).


This paper is presenting a new image forgery detection technique. The proposed technique makes use of digital signatures, it generates a digital signature for each column and embeds the signature in the least significant bits of selected pixels of each corresponding column. The message digest five algorithm is used for digital signature generation and four least significant bits substitution mechanism is used to embed the signature in the designated pixels. The embedding of the digital signature in the selected pixel remains completely innocent and undetectable for the human visual system. The proposed forgery detection technique has demonstrated significant results against different types of forgeries introduced to digital images and successfully detected and pointed out the forged columns.


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Electrical Engineering