Integrated Coastal Zone Management in Kuwait: A Knowledge-Based System Model
A coastal environment is intrinsically multifaceted and active making its management challenging. Development and natural processes could affect a coastal environment and so reliable efforts need to be implemented to preserve this environment and ensure coastal integrity. Inadequate control of stakeholder activity worldwide and developmental projects are degrading coastal areas. Integrated Coastal Management System (ICZM) is a holistic management approach used to sustainably plan human activity within coastal zones. The integrated management system is being implemented in several countries to maintain a balance between social-economic development and environmental preservation. This research aims to develop a knowledge-based system that facilitates the implementation of an ICZM framework. The proposed system is an “Integrated Coastal Zone Management: Knowledge-Based System”, which is a tool that supports and ensures the application of ICZM strategies to safeguard coastal areas. The system is designed to provide a means to raise awareness about the misuse of coastal zones, provide critical environmental data, assess risks to be faced and anticipate the development capacity of the coastal zone. An ICZM knowledge-based system allows stakeholders involved in coastal zones to manage and mitigate risks associated with development projects to achieve sustainable development. Overall, this research focused on developing an ICZM knowledge-based system encouraging more sustainable marine space use safeguarding the coastal environment.
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