Improving the performance of wireless network in residential areas in Kuwait
Data usage on mobile networks has been increasing exponentially in the State of Kuwait, where current 4G network speeds no longer meet the demands of the average users. This created the need to improve the system performance to increase the downlink data rate. In this paper, current 4G network performance and limitations are presented, and a wireless system which uses the concepts of cell densification, Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) antenna, beam forming, and Point-to-Multipoint (PTM) communication is proposed to improve the data rate in residential areas in Kuwait. The proposed system is simulated, and the performance of the existing network and the proposed system are compared in terms of the user downlink data rate. The introduction of the concepts of cell densification, MIMO, beam forming, and PTM has increased the data rate substantially. The performance of the wireless network of a typical town in Kuwait called Qortuba has been investigated. Based on the data collected, the average user data rate is 5.33 Mbps in the existing network. With the proposed system, if the number of cells is kept the same (12 cells), the data rate will increase to 20.4 Mbps. If the number of cells increases (43 Cells) to explore the full potential of the proposed system, the average user data rate will increase from 19.01 Mbps to 73.36 Mbps.
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