Adaptive Arabic application for enhancing short-term memory of Dyslexic children
Dyslexia is defined according to the U.S. National Institute of Health as “a learning disability that can hinder a person's ability to read, write, spell, and sometimes speak”. In Kuwait, Dyslexia is considered to be one of the most common learning disabilities experienced and diagnosed in school age children. Worldwide research is being conducted to explore the effect of using technology as a positive intervening factor enabling the enhancement of the abilities of dyslexic children. Several institutions are conducting research on how to enhance dyslexic abilities in the context of the Kuwaiti Arabic culture. Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR) has developed an Arabic application called “Sinbad and Jasmin” in collaboration with the Kuwait Dyslexia Association (KDA). In this paper, we will discuss the design, methodology and evaluation of the developed application, whose aim is to enhance the short-term memory of dyslexic children. Analysis of results of the study conducted on selected dyslexic students from the KDA is presented. An assessment of the long term enhancement effect of the developed application on dyslexic conditions will be conducted in the future.
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