Hybrid alopex based DECRPSO algorithm optimized Fuzzy-PID controller for AGC
This paper is corroborated the hybrid Alopex based DECRPSO algorithm (ADECRPSO) over DE, ADE, PSO, and CRPSO algorithms to pursuit the gain parameters of the PID and Fuzzy PID (FPID) controller. In a two area thermal-hydro-diesel power system, primacy of FPID controller is endorsed with PID controller tuned with assorted techniques. The hybrid ADECRPSO algorithm is affirmed over above mentioned algorithms to tune PID controller in a two area hydro-thermal system. PSO, DE, CRPSO, ADE and ADECRPSO are executed individually to optimize the controller to enhance the transient analysis by conceding undershoot, overshoot, and settling time of the system. The compilation of advantages of alopex based DE and craziness based PSO causes an adequate hybrid algorithm which enhances the performance of Automatic Generation Control (AGC). The step load uprise in area-1 is imposed to observe the activities of AGC. Undeniably, FPID controller optimized by ADECRPSO commits superior performance over PSO, DE, CRPSO, and ADE optimized controller as proposed AGC system. So, the modified mutation of DE by alopex scheme enhances the potentiality to tune the system variables.
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