An EMQ-based system considering machine malfunction, allowable backlogging level, repairable items, and discontinuous issuing policy
An economic manufacturing quantity (EMQ)-based system considering machine malfunction, allowable backlogging level, repairable nonconforming items, and discontinuous issuing policy is explored. Different from a prior work (Chiu et al., 2017a), a discontinuous multi-shipment stock issuing policy is adopted in this study. With the aim of not only addressing the inevitable instances of machine failures and imperfect product quality, but also undertaking the practical matters of permissible backlogging and multi-delivery stock issuing. A complete procedure for problem solving is presented, which consists of problem modeling, formulation and integration of each separate situation, determination of convexity of system cost function, algorithm proposal for locating the optimal cycle length, and demonstration of applicability of research result. Other than offering a way for production professionals to resolve such a specific problem, this study also reveals diverse in-depth system information for managerial decision makings.References
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