Promotion of Urban Resilience with Citizens’ Local Participation Approach Case Study: Bonab City
Nowadays, many hazards threaten urban life seriously. Urban resilience is very significant to encounter these risks. Urban resilience development has some basic prerequisites such as broad participation of citizens. The purpose of this paper is to review the role of citizens’ participation in urban resilience improvement. This is an applied descriptive- analytic reaearch. Also the type of research is correlational - causal. Subjects are the residents living in 13 of urban districts of Bonab in Iran. Using Simple random sampling method and Cochran formula the sample size obtained 400. As well as, Pearson correlation test and stepwise multivariate regression test accomplished. Face validity of the questionnaire was conformed by university professors. By making use of Cronbach’s alpha special formula the reliability of research questionnaire obtained 0.901 for participation questionnaire and 0.896 for urban resiliency questionnaire. the results of Pearson’s test show that majority of participation variables are correlated with variables of urban resiliency. Also, results of multivariate regression illustrated that physical participation instrumentation variable is more powerful to explain variations of urban resiliency and educational-promotional, political-administrative and intellectual-financial variables respectively are the remaining vriables. These five variables are capable to explain 0.87 percent of urban resiliency variations. Finally, practical suggestions on urban resiliency improvement through citizens’ participation invitation are provided.
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