Strength properties of roller compacted concrete containing GGBS as partial replacement of cement
The present research is aimed to achieve zero slump concrete (roller compacted concrete) in laboratory environment by using soil approach. Roller compacted concrete (RCC) consists of an mixture of cementitious materials, sand, dense graded aggregates, water. RCC is used mainly for a heavy duty pavement and variety of industrial application. Different RCC mixture are prepared for 0%, 20%, 40% and 60% replacement of ordinary Portland cement with ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS). Optimum water content of each mix is finalized after conducting compaction test for each replacement level. Strength and micro structural properties of RCC mix modified with GGBS are investigated. The resultant properties are discussed in light of stoichiometric analysis of concrete with cementitious materials. The results indicate that RCC mix containing GGBS gives lower early age strength as compared to the control mix and the strength of GGBS mixes improves with age. Further, the test results the strength properties of RCC mixture containing GGBS increases upto 40% replacement level of OPC with GGBS. SEM morphology also shows dense, compact and uniformly spread C-S-H gel in RCC mix containing 40% GGBS.
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