Effects of Innovation Cluster and Type of Core Technology on Firms’ Economic Performance

  • Eunil Park Korea Civil Engineering and Building Technology
  • Kyeongsik Yoo Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST); Daejeon Technopark
  • Sang Jib Kwon Dongguk University
  • Jay Ohm Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)
  • Hyun Joon Chang Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)
Keywords: Daedeok Innopolis, economic performance, new job creation, South Korea, technology type


Cluster theory is considered one of the most well-known industrial strategies. Following the success attained by several clusters in developed countries in the global manufacturing and information technology market, a number of emerging nations have attempted to build up industry-specific clusters. Numerous clusters have been formed across the world. However, most researchers focus on developed nations rather than developing ones when empirically analyzing the impact of clusters on firms’ economic performance based on core-technology type of firms. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the effects of innovation clusters and core-technology type (namely, information technology, biotechnology, nanotechnology, and medical technology) on the economic performance of firms in one of South Korean innovation clusters. A widely employed statistical method, a series of factorial analyses of variance, is used to analyze sample data on firms located in Daejeon Daedeok Innopolis, the biggest cluster in South Korea. The results show a notable clustering effect on firms’ economic performance and new job creation. In addition, the type of core technology significantly affects the intensity of the cluster’s effect on new job creation and economic performance of the firms. Finally, this study presents implications for both academia and industries.

Author Biographies

Eunil Park, Korea Civil Engineering and Building Technology
Dr. Eunil Park is a research specialist at Global Cooperation Division in Construction Industrial Innovation Center, Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology (KICT). He received his B. E. in 2010 and M. Sc. in 2012, both from Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU). In addition, he received his Ph. D. in 2016 from Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST). His research investigates the social, industrial and psychological effects of managerial technologies, management activities and human-technology interactions with an emphasis on sustainability, online communication, construction, energy and mobile technologies. He has published academic articles in outlets that include Energy Policy, Computers in Human Behavior, Sustainable Development, Renewable Energy, and so on. Before joining KICT, he was a researcher in ASTA Inc., University Jaume-I and SKKU.
Kyeongsik Yoo, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST); Daejeon Technopark
Mr. Kyeongsik Yoo is a Ph.D. candidate in Innovation and Technology Management, KAIST. He also serves as a senior researcher in Daejeon Technopark. His research aims to investigate the effects of organizational innovation and national R&D programs on industrial performance and efficiency.
Sang Jib Kwon, Dongguk University
Prof. Sang Jib Kwon is an assistant professor in the Department of Business Administration, Dongguk University. His research aims to investigate the effects of organizational innovation and personnel group management on work performance and efficiency.
Jay Ohm, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)
Prof. Jay Ohm is a Professor of the School of Innovation and Technology Management at KAIST. He received his MS from MIT in Operations Research and a PhD from the Northwestern University in Managerial Economics and Decision Sciences. Before joining KAIST, he was an industry practitioner in the areas of technology commercialization, business analysis and consulting for many key companies, including AT&T Bell Laboratories, AT&T, Lucent, IBM, Sprint and US Federal Government. He is intensely interested not only in teaching and researching, but also working on initiatives that would benefit Korean companies competing in a new global environment.
Hyun Joon Chang, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)
Prof. Hyun Joon Chang is a Professor of the School of Innovation and Technology Management at KAIST. He received his MA from Illinois State University in Economics and a PhD from the Cornell University in Economics. Before joining KAIST, he worked in many key institutes, including Korea Development Institute (KDI) and Korea Energy Economics Institute (KEEI).


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Industrial Engineering