Introductory review of potential applications of nanoseismic monitoring in seismic energy characterization

  • Yawar Hussain Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Brasilia, Brazil
  • Hernan Martinez-Carajal Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Brasilia, Brazil
  • Martín Cárdenas-Soto Engineering Faculty, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico
  • Salvatore Martino Department of Earth Sciences and Research Center on Geological Risks, University of Rome "Sapienza", Italy
Keywords: Slide Quakes, Fracture signals, Early Warning Systems, Sonograms, Mini Array


Major terrestrial hazards are associated with the formation of fractures that evolve with time and lead to structural collapse. The fracture singles emitted in response to stress accumulation and its release if properly understood, provide sound background for the development of Early Warning Systems (EWSs). Different attempts have been made in the past for their proper understanding, but in this study Nanoseismic (NS) monitoring is being discussed, in term of its sensors employment and signal processing modules. NS is a method dedicated to the detection, localization and characterization of very low seismic energies (Ml<1) at short distances (<10 km). Data are acquired by small aperture (max 200m) seismic arrays that are easy to install and consist of one central three component (3C) sensor surrounded by three vertical one component (1C) sensors in a tripartite layout that are suited for the beamforming processing. Detection and location of weak events (Ml<1) are done by a dedicated software: the NanoseismicSuite, which was developed at Stuttgart University, Germany. The signals are processed by sonograms (i.e. spectrograms with a frequency-dependent noise adaptation). The sonograms enhance the display of weak signal energy down to the noise threshold and allow supervised pattern recognition of weak target events in the frequency domain. Locations of weak events are supported by a graphical jackknifing approach. The case studies have shown that NM can successfully detect various weak fracture signals induced by the (stress relief mechanisms of near-surface geoprocesses) landsliding (LS) dynamic, structural health, hydraulic fracturing, erosional features, pre-mature sinkholes, pending rockfall and microseismicity associated with active faults.


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Civil Engineering