New Insights into Improving the Plugging Effect of Plugging Zone in Fractured Tight Gas Reservoir

  • Jiping She Chengdu University of Technology
  • Hao Zhang Chengdu University of Technology
  • Mengjing Shao
  • Chao Ran
  • Zhanghua Lian
Keywords: Fractured tight gas reservoir, Lost circulation, Plugging effect, Fracture narrow


Lost circulation is one of the problems that impede safe and fast drilling in fractured tight gas reservoir. Based on the numerical simulation and plugging experiments, new insights about improving the plugging effect were proposed in this paper. Fracture was divided into fracture mouth, fracture narrow, and fracture tip. Plugging zones were evaluated which formed at the fracture mouth and fracture narrow, respectively. Experiments results showed that the plugging effect at these two positions is different. The average MPP (Maximum plugging pressure) of the plugging zone formed at fracture mouth was only 5.2MPa, but the average MPP of the plugging zone formed at fracture narrow could reach more than 9.2MPa. Moreover, to reach the same MPP, plugging at fracture narrow needed less lost-circulation materials (LCMs) and lower fluid loss compared with plugging at fracture mouth. This work indicates that plugging at fracture narrow can get a better plugging effect than plugging at fracture mouth, which has been successfully confirmed in HB field in northeast Sichuan Basin.

Author Biographies

Jiping She, Chengdu University of Technology
College of Energy
Hao Zhang, Chengdu University of Technology
College of Energy


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Petroleum Engineering