Modelling of a circuit using ISFET(Ion Sensitive FET) for Obtaining Neuronal Signals

  • Rashmi Deka Tezpur University
  • Jiten Ch Dutta Tezpur University
Keywords: NEUROAchFET, Hodgkin-Huxley model, Sodium conductance, Potassium Conductance, Leakage conductance, Membrane capacitance, Action potential


Years ago, in 1952 Sir Alan Hodgkin and Sir Andrew Huxley had carried out experiments on a single neuron membrane to study the electrophysiological nature of a neuron. Hodgkin and Huxley have developed a electronic circuit which describes the biophysical nature of a neuron. In this paper, a new neuron model will be developed to generate the biophysical signals generated in a single neuron. Here, NEUROAchFET has been used as an analog of potassium and sodium conductance. NEUROAchFET is a ion sensitive field effect transistor which is compatible in biological environment since ionic exchange involves in the electrophysiological nature of a neuron. This circuit can be used to simulate conductance of sodium and potassium with respect to time and voltage . Individual current of sodium and potassium with variance with time  can be observed in PSPICE. The action potential generated in the NEUROAchFET circuit agrees with the available literature and with Hodgkin-Huxley model results. The results have been compared and they are found to be  similar.Furthermore, this circuit can be used as a medical tool to detect any abnormalities in the electrophysiological nature of the neuron and the cause behind it. It can be used as teaching tool and for stimulating action potential.

Author Biographies

Rashmi Deka, Tezpur University
Research Scholar
Jiten Ch Dutta, Tezpur University


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Electrical Engineering