Performance evaluation of fuzzy DE based node placement in WMN

  • G. Merlin Sheeba Sathyabama University
  • Alamelu Nachiappan Pondicherry Engineering College
Keywords: WMN, Differential Evolution, Fuzzy DE, simulated annealing, traffic weight, Transmission Cost, design cost, failure rate.


Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs) have received a greater attention in wireless communication field. The conventional node deployment allows random distribution of mesh routers, which increases the number of mesh routers, and hence the design cost also increases. In order to have an optimal placement of mesh nodes, the node placement problem is considered as an optimization problem. Here, the problem is formulated as a facility location problem. A Fuzzy Differential Evolution (FDE) approach is proposed along with a traffic weight (TW) assignment method for optimal placement of mesh nodes and allotting gateways. Design Cost (DC) and Transmission Cost (TC) are the two minimization objectives, which are solved using the proposed method. The simulation results show that, on average, the DC using FDE approach is minimized 10% compared to TW algorithm, 2.8% less than SA, and 1.2% less than DE methods. A network performance metric called failure rate (FR) and the TC objective are considerably reduced using the FDE based placement. The performance of the network is evaluated with multiple CBR flows, and the simulation results show 10% to 5% increase in the throughput and packet delivery rate compared to the existing approaches.


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Electrical Engineering