Estimation of Probable Maximum Flood for Dam Safety in Cameron Highlands Watershed

Modelling of Rainfall-Runoff

  • ibrahim Al-Ani National Center for Water Resources Management
  • Lariyah Mohd Sidek Department of Civil Engineering, University Tenaga National, Kajang, Selangor, Malaysia
  • Laith A. Jabbar National Center for Water Resources Management, Ministry of Water Resources, Baghdad, Iraq
  • Hidayah Basri Department of Civil Engineering, University Tenaga National, Kajang, Selangor, Malaysia


Dams that are not designed to withstand major storms may be destroyed and increase the flood damage opportunities downstream. For protecting the lives and land downstream of Cameron Highlands, Malaysia, the current research targeted to estimate the Probable Maximum Precipitation based on the updated rainfall and other meteorological data and predict the Probable Maximum Flood using the Hydrological Model (HEC-HMS) version 4.8. The Geographic Information System was utilized as well in order to identify the geometric and hydrologist parameters. The PMP data is obtained up to 2020 via the application of Hershfield’s Statistics and by applying the model mentioned earlier, the Probable Maximum Precipitation values can be predicted. For the calibrating the model, different sets of data was applied in which the Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency and Percentage of Bias of 0.776 and -0.03% respectively are obtained while Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency and Percent Bias of 0.861 and 1.47% respectively are obtained for Cameron Highland dams for model validation. The hydrological model in this study was adequately calibrated for Probable Maximum Flood simulation as it is credible to describe the hydrological process in Cameron Highlands.

Civil Engineering