Effect of uniform and non-uniform mesh on the development of turbulent boundary layer

  • ICARI Conference


For incompressible flow simulation, it is commonly accepted to use uniform meshes to solve the governing equation of the turbulent boundary layer. It follows the laws of conservation stabilizing the flow field in the domain and preventing odd-even decoupling in the pressure field. In this study, Large Eddy Simulation (LES) has been conducted in a long channel. In order to calculate the turbulent boundary layer in the channel, the unsteady Navier-Stokes equations have been adopted at a Reynolds number =180, which is based on mean centerline velocity and the half-width of the channel. The mesh used in this study was based on both stretch and uniform mesh having grid points, which is corresponding to. Turbulence statistics were also calculated to compare to the existing results. In the results, the turbulent boundary layer was fully developed at around. In addition, fully developed channel flow was achieved at the non-dimensional time of .
