Numerical study of mixing index in offset inlets 3-D T mixer with bend shape mixing channel

  • ICARI Conference


The objective of this paper is the computational analysis on the mixing index of simple T shape mixer, offset inlets T shape mixer, and offset inlets T mixer with bend shape mixing channel by CFD simulation. Computational fluid dynamics software package solves conservation of mass equation, conservation of momentum equation, and conservation of energy equation. In the case of offset inlets T shape mixer, as the aspect ratio (height to width ratio) of mixing channel increased so mixing quality also increased, and offset inlets T mixer with bend shape is a combination of increased aspect ratio as well as chaotic advection mechanisms, so it provides advanced mixing index than offset inlets T shape mixer and simple T shape mixer. Pressure fall in offset inlets T shape mixer is excess than simple T shape mixer but narrowly degraded than offset inlets T mixer with bend shape. Chaotic advection rooted microchannel generates secondary flow because of which motives a high-pressure drop in the microchannel.
