Environment Sustainability Practices inBangladeshi Cement Industries

  • ICETET Conference


Cement industries are responsible for huge amount of air pollution, which is harmful for
relevant workers health. According to a new questionnaire-based study, Bangladesh's cement
industry has limited opportunities to follow green manufacturing practices. The aim of this
paper is to investigate the situation of group wise environmental sustainability practices in
Bangladesh, with the goal of assisting cement manufacturers in Bangladesh to improve their
environmental sustainability practices in their manufacturing processes.In this paper, we
present a comparison of cement manufacturers across Bangladesh's three major divisions.It
has been discovered that a large number of employees from three departments are unaware of
environmental concerns and sustainable industrial activities. Just 53 respondents are aware of
the environmental concerns surrounding cement production, and their customers are the
primary sources of such knowledge. Furthermore, only 42% of respondents used the ISO
14000 environmental quality control scheme, despite the fact that 53% of respondents used
some kind of green manufacturing. Moreover, the causes for non-adoption as well as
environmental factors affecting sustainable industrial practices have been established. The
lack of financial resources, a lack of understanding and information about environmental
issues, a lack of demand from customers and stakeholders are all reasons why such practices
have not beenadopted. In order to follow greenproduction methods, it is essential to use
environmentally friendly cement ingredients, recycled-fiber packaging, biodegradable
packaging,and environmentally friendly waste management systems and technologies.
