Performance optimization of visible light communication
This paper focuses on analyzing the data rate, bit error rate (BER), flickering, and bandwidth of visible light communication (VLC) system. The existing modulation scheme ON-OFF Keying (OOK) is modified and produces the trade-off between these parameters. The modified ON-OFF Keying (MOOK) is proposed, in which the variation in the transmitted pulses is investigated. Therefore, the square and rectangular pulses are used to transmit zero bits and one bit, respectively. The duty cycle of square pulse is increased to improve the flickering performance. Moreover, it utilized the bandwidth and leads the BER performance to deteriorate. The differential MOOK (DMOOK) modulation scheme is also proposed, in which the ON period of square pulse (zero bits) is removed. Therefore, the data rate of DMOOK is increased because the duration of zero-bit pulse is decreased. Similarly, the high bandwidth is utilized, and the BER performance deteriorates. All performance parameters are evaluated on Arduino-based hardware VLC system. We conclude that the BER performance deteriorates by improving flickering performance and data rate of the VLC system.