Designing PID Controller Using improved Differential-Pole-clustering Approach of Model Order Reduction Techniques

  • Rumrum Banerjee Mrs.
  • Amitava Biswas Associate Professor
  • Amitava Biswas Associate Professor


The approach towards mathematical modelling which include different physical systems, such as various tele-communications, High voltage transmission and different chemical reactors, ultimately shown different results of larger order complex mathematical models. The intricacy of those models imposes major technical hitches in investigation, computational-simulations and controller designs methods. Now, improvement of model order reduction techniques with help of different mathematical approach has been shown the development in field of order reduction of high order complex systems. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to use Differential Pole Cluster Mixed Techniques to solve complex higher model to reduce its order in improvement towards various other model order reductions methodologies. Using the proposed reduced-order-technique, the higher order system PID Controller has been designed. The accuracy of the proposed reduced model has been made via comparing step responses of original and reduced order models. Here, two numerical models have been taken into consideration for validating the effectiveness of the designed controller and also the performance of the reduced technique proposed here

Electrical Engineering